RPK’s sedition trial: Najib in the limelight

An investigating officer of the murdered Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu case today admitted that deputy prime Minster Najib Abdul Razak was not investigated even though he was an important witness.

However the revelations of assistant director of the Interpol National Centre Bureau Gan Tack Guan did not come at the Altantuya murder trial.

Instead he was a witness at the sedition trial of popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin at the Petaling Jaya Session Court.

Raja Petra is facing trial for the alleged seditious article entitled ‘Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell’ which was posted on the Malaysia Today website on April 25.

Gan was testifying today after failing to show up on two previous occasions.

The police officer was the one who lodged a police report on Raja Petra after reading the article on April 30. He is also the chief investigating officer in the murder trial of Altantuya.

In his testimony today he agreed that Najib’s name was mentioned in the said article and admitted that the deputy prime minister was an “important witness”.

However to questions from defence counsel Gobind Singh Deo, Gan said that he had not investigated Najib despite him being an important witness.

“Najib was not interrogated because the police had dismissed his involvement in the case,” said Gan.

Gobind was grilling Gan in relation to the explosive affidavit filed by political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda on Jan 4, 2007, in which Abdul Razak stated that he engaged the help of DSP Musa Haji Safri, who was Najib’s aide de camp at that time, in solving the Altantuya problem.

The affidavit was filed by Abdul Razak to deny any wrongdoings in the murder of Altantuya when he was charged with aiding her murder with two special unit police officers. He was acquitted at the end of prosecution case.

When Gobind asked if Gan had taken statements from both Musa and Abdul Razak, the policeman said he had done so.

However he could not remember it the statements were in regards the help that was given by Musa to Abdul Razak in solving the ‘problem’.

Minimum direct involvement

Moreover, Gan said that although he was the chief investigating officer in the case, his “direct involvement in it was at the minimum”.

“I supervised a team of investigators to assist ASP Tonny Lunggan,” said Gan, adding that the questioning sessions were handled by Lunggan.

Gobind further asked if Najib was questioned at any time during the investigations into Raja Petra’s article.

Gan said he had not.

In the article, it was said that Abdul Razak went to Najib and Rosmah first, and the couple had then instructed Musa to aide Abdul Razak.

Gobind: Earlier you said that you did not investigate the facts in the affidavit that Abdul Razak Baginda had visited the deputy prime minister’s office and bumped into Musa.

You also said, you did not question the statement, and you said that you did not question Najib… so if you did not interrogate Najib, how do you know that the contents of the paragraph in the article did not take place?

Gan: I got the facts from the investigator of the case ASP Tonny.

Gobind: What were the facts? Tell us the facts!

Gan: You don’t need to raise your voice. First you call me a useless policeman… now you don’t have to raise your voice… the facts relating to the existence of Najib and Rosmah were false.

Police decided not to summon Najib

After the minor argument, Gobind stated that Gan had no personal knowledge of the alleged involvement of Najib, Musa and Abdul Razak.

Gan however reiterated that it was not true and that he had the facts from Lunggan

Gobind then asked Gan if he had any knowledge of Lunggan taking Abdul Razak’s statement regarding his affidavit.

Gan: I do not remember.

Gobind: You don’t remember? Isn’t it important to know whether Abdul Razak’s statement was taken?

Gan: Yes, it is important.

Gobind: It is important because it involves Abdul Razak and important to know whether it is true or false, correct?

Gan: Yes.

Gobind: Is it important to interrogate Najib to uncover the truth in the statement (article)?

Gan: Yes, but Najib was not interrogated because the police had dismissed his involvement in the case (Altantuya’s murder).

Gobind: If he was an important witness why the police did not investigate Najib?

Gan: Because in the Altantuya murder trial, investigation revealed that there was no need to summon him.

Politically motivated prosecution

However, Gobind kept badgering Gan on the fact that despite the importance of Najib’s statement, he was not interrogated for a statement.

“Having failed to take statement from him (Najib), you are in no position to substantiate your police report against Raja Petra.

“This decision to prosecute Raja Petra is politically motivated as no action was taken relating to Najib but to pin down Raja Petra,” blasted Gobind.

Deputy public prosecutor Roslan Mat Nor objected to Gobind’s statement, saying that it was not in Gan’s power to answer questions on the decision to prosecute Raja Petra.

Hearing before before Judge Rozina Ayob continues on Thursday.

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